Beijing time on April 30 evening news, microsoft (small gain) announce now, will to the United States Ba Nuo of shopkeeper of the greatest books (Barnes&The Nook below Noble) banner and section of college textbook business invest 300 million dollar. Analytic personage says, this is the collaboration of mutual benefit of brushstroke mutually beneficial. dvd discovery
According to cooperative agreement, nook and section of college textbook business will establish a new company, microsoft general hold the share of 17.6% , hold of Ba Nuo general is odd the share of 82.4% . This trades to be worth 1.7 billion dollar for appraise of business of Ba Nuo's Nook and college textbook, and Ba Nuo's current market prise is 791 million dolla the best selling scoo the best selling memory card digital cameras by costume r only.
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Regard collaboration as one part of the agreement, microsoft applies integrated in Windows 8 Nook. Current, nook electron book bu free canon ef 15mm ys application to support IPad and Android equipment only.
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Analyt free memory card di most popular brooch pins selling brooch pins gital cameras ic personage says, after cooperating with Microsoft, giant user is had inside global limits as a result of Windows group, ba Nuo will have user of more of opportunity bring into contact with, drive Nook business make up the deficits and get surpluses thereby.
Windows 8 is considered as Microsoft 17 years to come a the most radical operating system, undertook a large number of adjustment, also be first give atte the most popular t mobile prepaid cards ntion to two or morethings at the same time the Windows system to flat computer.
The one big characteristic of Windows 8 is inside buy application shop, th memory laptop toshiba e Windows 8 customer that released this year in Feburary previews edition application nearly 100 application are had inside the shop, include Yamaxun among them (small gain) Kindle application. (Li Ming)
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