Beijing time is early on May 3 a message, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (small gain) lawyer Zhou San eliminated with HP (small gain) with respect to An Teng processor lawsuit reachs reconciling possibility, the judge rejects to make the ruling that is helpful for any the best selling t mobile prepaid cards one party before the case is tried fo the best selling memory card digital cameras rmally.
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On the hearing that in emperor of Zhou San California He Sai holds, dan Wo canon ef 15mm er of lawyer of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (Dan Wall) expresses, the compromise of this case " won't happen " . The judicial document that submits last week according to inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of th the most popular t mobile prepaid cards e Shang Dynasty, HP seeks the gain loss compensation of 4 billion dollar. Argue of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty says, the accusation of HP is without legal basis. "On this law case, (We) won't und free t mobile prepaid cards ertake reconciliatory. " Wo Er says.
ata pciInscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty decided to stop support how to vacate processor last year, they think Intel (small gain) state this chip is about to end life already clearly, change the key to X86 processor. But HP expresses, both sides ever agreed to continue to support An Teng processor, both sides is in b free canon ef 15mm efore this before HP of employ of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty He De of CEO mark · (of Mark Hurd) most popular selling brooch pins reconcile commitment was made to this in the agreement. HP sued inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty in California court last year, think the decision of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty " turn over consumer " .
Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty thinks the accusation of HP " cannot support " its damages anticipates, and misdirect of countercharge HP advertisement, say or state with certainty the contract article that HP won't publish they and Intel to sign. Both sides hopes holy carat pulls prefectural justiciar Zhanmusi Baige (James Kleinberg) decides before formal adjudgement oneself win suit, dan Baige did not make judgement in preliminary cognizance of Zhou San. This case will undertake cognizance formally in the end of this month.
t mobile prepaid cardsUncle case Zhou San is in assimilate to of this case of forensic lieutenant general is " divorce " , "Y the most popular memory card digital cameras ou must attestation considers to reconcile possibility. " he says.
HP lawyer did not eliminate to reconcile in the court possibility. The judge represents this case " have challenge sex extremely " , he does not know to be able to have what kind of result. (Xiao Ming)
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