Sunday, January 15, 2012

Malic inn becomes most profitable shop: Every square metre year earn 65 thousand dollar

The suction of malic retailing shop golden ability Yuan Chao is other and large shopkeeperresealable bagsThe suction of malic retailing shop golden ability Yuan Chao is other and large shopkeeper

Beijing time is early on April 20 a messag canon ef 15mm e, study according to American market the newest data with company compilatory Asymco shows, malic retailing shop every square foot of retail space year all sale is 6000 dollars (add up to every square metre about 65 thousand dollar) above, exceed except cafeteria beyond other any shopkeeper.

Compare with the best selling scooby costume this photograph, every square of mansion of American regional business foot year all sale is 341 dollars only (add up to every square metre about 3700 dollar) , an the most popular scooby costume d the shopkeeper of before the United States is ranked 20 also is 787 dollars only (add up to every square metre about 8500 dollar) . Asymco says, in common shopkeeper, even if every square foot 300 dollars (add up to every square metre about the most popular canon ef 15mm 3200 dollar) sale also is " perfectly " . scooby costume

Asymco analyst Huo Lei Si Dediou (Horace Dediu) says: "This is occupied make clear, malic profit margin wants far outclass other shopkeeper. With rank second Difuni is compared, its efficiency wants tower above one times above; The 7 times above of before be equivalent to 20 shopkeeper, and the 17 times above that is equivalent to average dealer mansion. And the 17 times above that is equivalent to average dealer mansion.. norton internet antivirus

Will look from chart, every square of retail space of malic Apple Store foot the other company before sale is head and shoulders above a rank to lean, like the whole world the biggest play connects most popular selling memory card digital cameras locksmith Gamestop, good city Whole Foods of shopkeeper of much, food, 100 think of buy, Urban Outfitters of shopkeeper of outfit of kimono of CVS of drug chain shopkeeper.

Even if from every square foot of sale grow speed to look compared to the same period, malic Apple Store also be far ahead at other comp brooch pins any, make an appointment with than ranking second fi memory laptop toshiba tness dress to interlink tower above of shopkeeper Lululemon At most popular selling scooby costume hletica 25% . (Tang Feng)

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