Sunday, January 15, 2012

: of devil of half of malic half angel? б of Fei Shang of Qu of cleanse of clump Yang ostrich enlighten lament?

  Guide language: Print article says Zhou Er of Business Insider of guest of rich of American science and technology, malic near future alleges station of 514 thousand works was created in the United States. In the process that developing quickly however, the free brooch pins apple was destroyed many once the market with gain very strong capability, product and company, b brooch pins ring about a lot of work station not answer existence.

Actually, those who create working station is not company and entrepreneur, however healthy economic environment. Business Insider analysed the data that comes from Peng rich company, decided 50 suffer an apple to affect serious company, include bookshop of IBM, HP, Ba Nuo and Adobe to wait among them. Data shows, as a result of malic success, other company and orgnaization reduced 490570 works station in all.

Affect company and orgnaization detail to suffer below:

1.Circuit City, working station reduces 42974

Regard the United States as main electronic product shopkeeper, number of employee of period of Circuit City flourishing exceeds 420 thousand. But grow gradually in the portion of PC market as the apple, circuit City catchs up with very hard malic pace. 2008 price of TV of christmas holiday liquid crystal dies dish hind, circuit City applies for finally to go bankrupt and undertook large-scale cut down the member of persons employed.

2. The United States federally, working station reduces 42105

" new York Times " near future report says, the apple realized a large number of avoiding through exploit an advantage duty. Advisory company Sullivan estimates, the apple avoided duty brings about the United States 2011 federally prediction of a person's luck in a given year income of revenue of 2.4 billion dollar. Basis the United States is official 2011 the pay level of personnel, this is equivalent to needing to reduce 42 thousand employee federally.

3. Kodak (small gain) , working station reduces 28000

The problem of Kodak already lasted old, employee sum total also from once 100 thousand person decreases to current seventeen thousand one hundred person. The development of IPhone and other and mobile equipment affected the market to be opposite the demand of Kodak camera. Kodak is protected at applying for to go bankrupt this year in January.

4. HP (small gain) , working station reduces 16995

The development of IPad makes HP get into trouble. HP ever tried to develop flat computer product, but TouchPad brought a disaster merely. In going a few years, HP cut down thousands of employee.

5. Motolora, working station reduces 16474

After Razr scores a success, motolora fails to roll out successful product tardy. Motolora cut cost and staff subsequently.

6.Borders, working station reduces 16600

The development of malic product affected many trades, among them one of sales that are hypostatic book, film and music. In the apple drive below, customer gets lost a number to content downloads and shed media service, this brought about the insolvency of Borders directly.

7.Sprint, working station reduces 14600

Go a few years, because fail operation can the mobile phone of compare IPhone, of Sprint hind growth of number of user paying fee is very slow. It is nevertheless after the operation right that acquires IPhone, the user of Sprint counts the growth with begin to appear constant.

) of 8.IBM(small gain, working station reduces 12668

In going a few years, IBM undertook several rounds cutting down the member of persons employed, those who include branches of pair of research and development and certain hardware business cut down the member of persons employed. In consumptive electron domain, such papering cutter that rise abruptly with the apple quickly closely related.

9. Act art industry, working station reduces 12500

According to the data of bureau of American labor statistic, in March 2012, the United States acts art the number of obtain employment personnel of the industry declines from the 415 thousand person when 2007 to four hundred and two thousand five hundred person. Since Napster is arisen, american record industry was immersed in predicament, record company becomes more and more difficult through giving disc to win get one's own back.

10. Love establishs a letter, working station reduces 10690

90 time, love establishs a letter to be about in the portion of mobile phone market 35% . And the near future, the joint-stock company Suo Ni that loves to establish letter and all alone Buddhist nun loves to establish a letter to cannot catch up with in mobile phone market malic technology develops. Suo Ni loves to establish a letter to already was alled alone the Buddhist nun is wholy-owned buy.

11. Company of American postal service, working station reduces 10615

The apple speaks of, in the station of 514 thousand works that creates in this company, one part and express tycoon UPS and confederative express are concerned. Actually, this is a position only from the United States of old brand move of postal service company went to company of privately owned express.

12. Ba Nuo bookshop, working station reduces 9000

Below the circumstance of the competitor be on the wane such as Borders, ba Nuo bookshop still does not fall by right of the product stand erect such as Nook reader, nevertheless its core business also gets malic challenge. Ba Nuo bookshop already closed much door store, dropped at sum total of the employee when 2007 relatively 9000 people.

13.Blockbuster, working station reduces 7200

Shed media service to pound traditional DVD to rent business, and the development of La Guangguang dish also fails to achieve an analyst before this anticipate. Since 2007, blockbuster cut down more than 20 thousand employee, make an appointment with 1/3 and apple to concern among them.

14.CompUSA, working station reduces 6300

The circumstance of CompUSA and Circuit City are similar, just dimensions is lesser. Regard a computer as the supermarket, compUSA encountered the challenge with electronic arisen business affairs, closed 126 doors store.

15. Suo Ni, working station reduces 6000

Depend on Walkman and other entertainment equipment, suo Ni ever was the portable equipment manufacturer with banner market. However the decline that the development of IPod caused Walkman, and IPad and MacBook series product gave Suo Ni to create enormous pressure in jotter market.

16.RadioShack, working station reduces 6000

Because Sprint of cooperative operation business and T-Mobile do not have operation IPhone, radioShack encountered serious challenge a few years in the past. Near future RadioShack already turned and as wireless as Verizon collaboration, and cooperate with T-Mobile no longer. The goods that nevertheless RadioShack sells still is put in the issue that the brim turns.

17. Microsoft, working station reduces 5827plantronic wireless headset

Successful place of the apple is the place of the failure of Microsoft, for example player of mobile phone, portable music and flat computer. This brought about Microsoft to cut down the member of persons employed in the light of these business thousands of person.

18. Yahoo, working station reduces 5780

Yahoo basically is come from Gu Ge's pressure, and all be Gu Ge as a result of the acquiescent search engine of malic product, because this Yahoo is indirect also,get adverse effect.

19. Shi Le, working station reduces 5400

In the process of printer business coast, shi Le already cut down the member of persons employed thousands of person. If the user uses malic Mac computer, do not need the ink jet printer that Shilesheng produces so.

20.AMD, working station reduces 4460

Mac computer uses Intel processor, this meant AMD to lose a huge market.

21. 100 think of buy, working station reduces 3400

While malic retailing shop develops quickly, 100 consider the sale that buys a retailing shop expression is fatigued and weak. 100 think of buy the near future to announce to cut down the member of persons employed 400 people, close 50 doors store at the same time.

22.Tower Records, working station reduces 3000

Digital music business of the apple is affected to what sing a shopkeeper particularly apparent, the record store such as Virgin, HMV and Sam Goody is forced to close. The development of IPod makes customer changes a number to download in succession, and the CD that buys a tradition no longer.

23.Trans World Entertainment, working station reduces 2900

Trans World Entertainment and Tower Records are similar. This company owns the brand such as Coconuts, Sam Goody and Record Town. As a result of the development of IPod, this company closed hundreds door store, cut down the member of persons employed thousands of person.

24. Grand Qi banner issues Gateway, working station reduces 2500

The chain that Gateway Ceng Yong has extraordinary success is retail business, but congested environment makes the product of this company has appeared from time to time is high. Gateway closed the retail business that owns 188 doors store finally, be bought by grand Qi . The development of malic Mac business did not encounter same question.

25. 100 acting disc, working station reduces 2000

100 acting disc also got CD sells the serious effect of coast, cut down thousands of employee in order to cut cost. Round-the-world music group already bought 100 acting record, this drove the farther conformity of record i the best selling memory laptop toshiba ndustry. The part that the apple acts in this one process is very clear.

26. Associate, working station reduces 2000

After the PC business that buys IBM, the position that associates in PC market gets apparent promotion. Unfortunate is, during American economic depression, PC sale is affected badly, and customer also changes malic Mac to computer. Associate to already announced to cut down the member of persons employed more than 2000 people, in order to promote profit margin.

27.Adobe free t mobile prepaid cards , working stati most popular selling memory card digital cameras on reduces 1950

The dispute between Adobe and apple already was reported extensively. Adobe ever tried to make malic equipment supports Flash technology, dan Ping is not willing to be done so if really. Adobe cut relevant business finally, cut down the member of persons employed about 1950 people.

28.T-Mobile, working station r free scooby costume educes 1900

Because do not have the operation right that acquires IPhone, the market share of T-Mobile drops apparently. The United States superintends what the branch overruled AT&T to buy T-Mobile before this to trade, t-Mobile begins to devote oneself to the investment of pair of 4G networks at present.

29.EMC, working station reduces 1476

As a result of the promotion of competitor market share, cloud computation serves provider EMC to also be forced to undertake cutting down the member of persons employe the most popular brooch pins d. The competitor of EMC includes DropBox to wait. These companies roll out application in malic IOS platform, obtained the extensive welcome of the user.

30.Palm, working station reduces 1247

Palm hopes to wait for product and IPhone competition by right of Palm Pre and Palm Pixi originally, but did not score a success. Palm is bought finally by HP, but HP decides to shut subsequently whole the business that comes from Palm.

31. Wei Zhen Megastores, working station reduces 1060

Wei Zhen Megastores is a shopkeeper that has gain capacity extremely originally, but the development as digital content, dimension precious group already decided to stop the deficit of this business, sell the property that is used at relevant retailing shop.

32. Dai Er, working station reduces 905

While malic Mac computer develops, development backwater of Dai Er not before. Dai Er is in inferior position in competing with the apple, and as the market fall to PC demand, dai Er's profit margin also gets pressure. Dai Er has not find the way that as mobile as the apple product competes.

33.AOL, working station reduces 800

AOL is the star with Internet earlier development, the situation that in recent years AOL encounters and Yahoo are similar.

34. Cisco, working station reduces 500

Cisco tries to march all the time consume kind of product market, but did not score a success. Cisco rolled out to photograph product resembling a head before this, but actually individual user uses IPhone to film normally photograph. Final Cisco quited this professional work and undertook cutting down the member of persons employed.

35. Group of China accept music, the most popular memory laptop toshiba working station reduces 300

Group of China accept music is another victim with digital music development, arisen ITunes.

36. The treasure of child, working station reduces 200

Mix when IPhone after IPad is arisen, the market falls considerably to the demand of desktop toy. The treasure of child already closed the desktop toy production factory that is located in city of Ma Sazhu a place of strategic importance.

37.IAC, working station reduces 170

The below IAC banner ever was the important participator that searchs engine industry, but the development that promoted mobile search as IPhone and IPad, ask begins to be changed by the brim.

38. Round-the-world music group, working station reduces 110

As similar as group of China accept music, round-the-world music group is only one of companies of 3 of remnant large record. Do not cross the coast that sells as a result of traditional CD, this company also undertook cutting down the member of persons employed. (Dimension gold)

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