[our newspaper is integrated dispatch] Thailand electron and computer industry north face shirts僱 advocate association discloses, this year head season electron industry exports atrophy 5% , the reason is the part got last year area of garden of flood percussive the most popular brooch pins industry still not complete go back to work. If produce especially big flood no longer this year, anticipate electronic industry is expected to anabiosis gradually to the 3rd quarter in the 2nd quarter.
Electron and computer industry 僱 advocate association chairman eulogy is c the best selling scooby costume limbed express, since the home end last year erupt especially big flood, till this year head season, exit of integral electron industry drops make an appointment with 4%-5% . In still be being maintained as a result of the industrial garden area that the best selling brooch pins was flooded by the flood last year partly, fail to return to normal production, and certain factory more get the concussion of official measure, especially lowermost day all compensation measure of 300 an ancient unit of weight.
brass faucetEulogy is climbed point out, this year head the exit of season electron industry still issues defeat 4%-5% , predict the 2nd quarter still can appear negative growth, just be expected to restore to grow till the 3rd quarter, and the fourth quarter will anabiosis apparently. Profit from manufacturer can anabiosis quickly, because base of Thailand electron property is firm, although get lowermost day all compensation the influence of measure of 300 an ancient unit of weight, but comparative than st free memory laptop toshiba ill existing with other country posture advanta the best selling canon ef 15mm ge.
brass faucetIn the light of lowermost day all compensation of measure of 300 an ancient unit of weight carry out, bring about partial plant to must change administrative pattern, but major company can be adjusted by oneself, won't cause long-term effect so.
Eulogy is climbed forecast, hard disk industry is expected to be in brooch pins the four seasons anabiosises completely this year, and IC industry reckons the fo free memory card digital cameras ur seasons also can improve gradually, expor most popular selling scooby costume t those who stimulate industry of electron of the four seasons good growth. Nevertheless, put in certain risk factor in 8-9 month, whether must erupt closely once more alertly large flood.
Data shows, in the electronic product of numerous exit, the market share that hard disk holds still is highest, the hard disk shop that is set in home at present is about the same already go back to work, have Toshiba only (small gain) (Toshiba) except, latter instead is produced in abroad. In the meantime, the market stores to the data the demand of equipment still big, year all increase rate is amounted to 44% . Last year the exit overbalance of industry of Thailand hard disk 500 billion an ancient unit of weight.
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