Sunday, January 15, 2012

Intermediary says each district of malic whole world establishs agency to avoid outside duty billions of dollar

According to new York Times the report says, company of electronic tycoon apple invests company profit to undertake avoiding through agency is being established to collect in global each district duty, avoid taxes forehead is as high as billions of dollar.

The report says new York Times Saturday, a malic company agency company tax rate that in Nevada Reynolds establishs is 0. The tycoon of science and technology that this headquarters is located in California city passes this kind of means to undertake avoiding legally to pro the most popular t mo most popular selling brooch pins bile prepaid cards fit namely duty. Tax rate of California state company is 8.84% .

The revolutionary sales volume of profit from IP most popular selling memory laptop toshiba hone and IPad flat computer, especially the powerful demand of Chi the most popular canon ef 15mm na and other Asia market, the apple releases a report to say last week up to on March 31 head quarterly profit is as high as 39.2 billion dollar most popular selling scooby costume .

New York Times cites if the apple is in charge of high, say, the apple is in Reynolds, Ireland, Holand, Luxembourg, British the Virgin Islands and district of other end duty create agency is the legal order with lawful the most popular brooch pins course in order to reduce global the amount of tax to be paid.

Draft according to once was being participated in avoid the malic predecessor director of tax policy says, "The apple has his company strategy, can use the difference dominant position between area of different tax rate. Can use the difference dominant position between area of different tax rate..

satin pjsThe report says the apple creates the subsidiary that one calls Braeburn Capital in Reynolds, use management and the fund that invest a company. If these profit invest a success, the apple is in Nevadan agency is OK avoid pays tax.

Tall canal Robert Hatta ever was in charge of the retail market sale of market of malic ITunes Europe before the apple. He expresses, it is OK to undertake through Luxembourg lane trades let a company reduce the amount that pay tax.

Hatta tells new York Times to say, "Because that tax rate is low,we create agency in Luxembourg is. "Because that tax rate is low,we create agency in Luxembourg is..

He expresses, "Download trades unlike canon ef 15mm hypostatic article, download is cannot of lay a finger on, you download from French ITunes and the effect downloading in British ITunes is same. If you download from the ITunes of Luxembourg, this kind trades the relation can treat as is to happen in Luxembourg. This kind trades the relation can treat as is to happen in Luxembourg..

The apple says in a statement that gives new York Times, malic company " all professional work that begin abide by moral standard, applicable law and accountant regulation completely.

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Response of new York Times expresses, "The contribution that we make to malic place feels very proud, malic company pays taxes specified amount tremendous, mix to local government, state government federally very beneficial. " (Kuang Guojiang)

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