Beijing time on May 2 before dawn message, dai Er (small gain) be in charge of Zhou Er high to e the best selling memory laptop toshiba xpress, new fund exceeds extremely the market sales volu the best selling memory card digital cameras me of this XPS 13 is far good anticipate at its. Dai Erxi hopes to use MacBook Air of jotter of popularity of apple of XPS 13 antagonism. plant lights
plantronic wireless headsetXPS 13 wears a sale on Feburary 28, dai Er says, get consumer and large company are strong of demand drive, the sales volume with current XPS 13 had exceeded the double above that the interior that wear Er anticipates.
"XPS 13 makes our anticipation more bold, " sale of the product that wear Er is in charge of · of Ai Li dark to increase heart offer (Alison Gardner) expresses, "Since us begin to consumer shipment XPS 13, its shipment volume had exceeded our anticipation. Its shipment volume had exceeded our anticipation..
Gardner still points out, the half sales volume of XPS 13 is in an enterprise the market. The price since XPS 13 is 999 dollars. spring pool
The battalion in the time that company business of Dai Er reached 5 years 6 years in the past closes break up time, 50% what had held company profit at present. The interior of the Dai Er before neve brooch pins rtheless Gardner did not announce this expects a number, she states Dai Er has seen ultrathin the strong growth momentum of this sales volume.
memory laptop toshibaBe attracted by malic IPad, MacBook Air and plac the best selling scooby costume e of other and mobile equipment as a result of more and more consumer, to reverse this kind of trend, intel (small gain) rolled out " super- extremely this " the concept is super jotter. A few analysts think, because exceed extremely adopted the costly package such free canon ef 15mm as solid state hard disk originally, its are tall price will affect sales volume, the profit margin that forces Intel to sacrif free brooch pins ice to go up in processor in order to help PC manufacturer profit.
Begin from 2013, intel will spread out the most large-scale sale to popularize those who will support PC manufacturer to exceed extremely this plan. Intel had been rolled out in April this year " computational new era " sale moves, this includes the promotion of the TV, advertisement that print and gregarious media among them.
As flat computer arisen and of the function powerful, it is used at gradually muti_function business, from get online to be operated to graph and video, jotter faces bigger menace as a result of serious obverse side. Dai Er is expanding its battalion harvests a source at present, the large f t mobile prepaid cards irm that the plan transfers to serve for market of data center equipment and IT from PC manufacturer. Dai Er plans the most popular memory laptop toshiba to release computer of flat of first spending level later on this year. (Xiao Ming)
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