Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shipment of PC of the first season measures HP to exceed an apple to seize number one position again instead

Beijing time on most popular selling brooch pins May 2 morning message, the mar the most popular canon ef 15mm ket studies the report that company Canays Zhouer issues shows, HP (small gain) the PC shipment volume first quarter exceeds an apple instead this year, recapture market overlord position afresh.

flat as a result of Canalys computer plan enters PC shipment volume, and the shipment amount tha the best selling memory laptop toshiba t the four seasons spent IPad last year achieves 15 million record-breaking, make the apple surmounts HP when season, make the whole world manufacturer of the biggest PC. The IPad shipment first quarter measures Dan Ping fruit to be 11.8 million only, because total shipment measures this PC to be 15.8 million only, the difference Qu Ju with 40 thousand the 2nd. norton internet antivirus

Associate a row the 3rd, came true of 50% grow compared to the same period. Grand Qi (small gain) ascend as before with Dai Er manufacturer of before the body 5 big PC, but compared to the same period shipment volume all glides somewhat. But volume of shipmen free memory laptop toshiba t of whole of global PC market rises 21% compared to the same period, achieve 107 million. But notable is, although flat computer market compared to the same period amplitude is achieved 200% , table machine and note our market also grow respectively 11% with 8% , but online our market glides compared to the same memory card digital cameras period however 34% , this also is this domain successive the 6th quarter glides.

Canalys analyst Tom Evan (Tom Evans) says: "Most a the most popular brooc memory laptop toshiba h pins nd banner PC manufacturer took feasible step, the growth that carries flat computer business offsetted get online this glide. SamSung (small gain) increase capacity with the abidance that associate relatively conspicuous, hua Shuo also is behaved not common. Their challenge is develop competition with apple and Yamaxun, contend for more market share. The amount of shipment of flat computer odd season that has SamSung only at present maintains 1 million above. The amount of shipment of flat computer odd season that has SamSung only at present maintains 1 million above..

From the point of the whole world, flat computer 19% what take amount of global PC shipment first quarter, relatively a year ago 7% increase considerably, but under 22% what the four seasons spent last year. Get online t free brooch pins his criterion from two years before 13% glide to 5% . The shipment of jotter measures the in part that approachs gross.

Will look according to the area, volume of shipment of North America PC rises 31% compared to the same period, EMEA(Europe, middle east and Africa) all grow 19% compared to the same period with Asia-Pacific area, latin America is only 10% . But Canalys also points out, north America market gets of flat computer drive the biggest.

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"40% what flat computer of the United States is close to all PC shipment to measure, " Canalys vice-president holds chief analyst concurrently to overcome Reese Jones (Chris Jones) says, "The others market glide somewhat first quarter. The wide selection of profit from content and application, flat computer gets American consumer reception quite, also strengthening gradually to the influence of other sphere. Also strengthening gradually to the influence of other sphere..

Although the performance first quarter is superior, but the foreground of PC manufacturer still not Anacreontic. Economy is turbulent the consumptive market that causes a lot of countries still rises lack of power. As a result of the ODM(of much home jotter of Chinese Taiwan original equipment devises a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale) the shipment volume April puts delay somewhat, because the PC market of this the 2nd quarter is potential fatigued and weak. But the Qing Dynasty as channel inventory is empty, and the product that carries processor of Ivy Bridge of new generation Intel appears on the market, this kind of circumstance will alleviate stage by stage.

The issuance of Microsoft Windows 8 will be become this year the main turning point of second half of the year. This will bring about a lot of consumer of will new PC buy plan remit to the fourth quarter. But at the appointed time, the price of frivolous jotter will approach mainstream value, and the flat computer of operating system of embarking Windows 8 also will appear on the market. Windows 8 whether active echo is obtained to will become crucial factor in all sorts of PC products. If can come true, PC manufacturer the foreground 2013 will very but period. (Book Yu)

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