Cao Hong of reporter of author morning paper
Cao Hong of morning paper reporter reports integratedly
Lend business of operation of move and bookshop of completely beautiful the biggest hypostatic chain Ba Nuo bookshop (Barnes&Noble Inc. ) form an alliance, microsoft (small gain) direct intervening electron publishs course of study. the most popular brooch pins
The United States local time on April 30, microsoft announces, already signed an agreement with Ba Nuo, acceptance reachs business of university teaching material to latter Nook electron book contributive add up to 605 million dollar.
Reuter says, annals of Microsoft this action is breaking Yamaxun (small gain) be opposite with the apple of the flat computer market that grows quickly regnant. After 6 months, microsoft plans to roll out support to strike the Windows 8 operating system that controls a function, apply Nook in computer of park Windows flat, will make its can be mixed with malic IPad Kindle Fire contends for Yamaxun relative superiority or inferiority.
north face shirtsBa Nuo share price heard the news to go up greatly for a time that day 90% , receive a reply finally 20.75 dollars, go up greatly 52% , the odd-numbered days since achieving this company to appear on the market from 1993 is the oldest go up; Share price near future ever touched 4 years of exalted Microsoft are small that day go most popular selling canon ef 15mm up 0.1% .
Global dilate of Ba Nuo plans
Most new friend is opposite easily Ba Nuo, be overjoyed free t mobile prepaid cards of it may be said.
The basis is newest signed agreement, the initial investment of Microsoft is 300 million dollar, in order to exchange a of Ba Nuo new subsidiary the share of 17.6% ; New subsidiary will be in charge of controlling the operation of Nook electron book and business of university teaching material. Calculate from this, ba Nuo's Nook and appraise of Wu of great school work are worth 1.7 billion dollar. Battalion of the season on this one domain receives summary prep above 1 billion dollar, 40% what occupy Ba Nuo total battalion to close about.
And 2010, ba Nuo ever still sought sell oneself or a member of one's family, but attracted a company in May last year only -- Liberty Media quote, latter offer is every 17 dollars, add up to 1 billion dollar. Liberty decides Xiang Banuo invests 204 million dollar finally, exchange of 16.6% preferential, and rather than buys it.
Of Microsoft " fervent " , do not be confined to 300 million dollar.
Microsoft is affirmatory still, share the form that assure with income, new subsidiary of Xiang Banuo invests 180 million dollar (annual 60 million dollar, deadline 3 years of) .
Microsoft acceptance is annual and contributive at the same time 25 million dollar (deadline 5 years, add up to) of 125 million dollar, help new subsidiary carry out global dilate to plan, buy place to read content and technical development. ata pci
"This lets Ba Nuo receive fund the partner with more abundant stronger actual stren the best selling t mobile prepaid cards gth, can touch through Windows 8 global market. " Peter Wahlstrom of analyst of Reuter cite Morningstar says, "Go two years in, they already get into trouble. They already get into trouble..
Ba Nuo suspended a clique ceasing last year, develop Nook in order to invest more ready money. Because encounter Yamaxun the pressure of radical price strategy, ba Nuo returned tone to fall this year in January battalion closes and profit anticipates.
Ba Nuo already threw dollar of several ten million to develop Nook, first 2009 face city, be later than Kindle two years. At present, nook still is sold in the United States only.
Go all out grab flat computer market
Right newest trade, reuter points out, 0.5% what its occupy Microsoft place to hold cash to measure only at first, see scale from financial angle very small, but strategic sense is great.
Microsoft will release Windows 8 this year, this is since disastrous Vista is being released its are 5 years ago oneself, the design adjusts the one edition with the biggest range operating system, also be first give attention to scooby costume two or morethings at the same time the Windows system to flat computer, one of big characteristic are inside buy application shop. British finance times says, if Windows 8 is outstanding,cause a personal computer to upgrade to enough the wet, strong competitor that allows Microsoft to make flat computer field even, the Microsoft with the unidentified foreground in key point of so outer group can achieve the growth of true acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person very quickly. brooch pins
At present, although global personal computer installs the scale of system of Microsoft Windows software,still even more high 90% , but Microsoft must be faced up to in mobile domain backward, in this one domain, people uses embarking apple system or Gu Ge increasingly (small gain) the smartphone of Android software.
According to the data of Strategy Analytics, the four seasons was spent last year, microsoft is only in the portion of market of global flat computer 1. the most the best selling brooch pins popular memory card digital cameras 5% , under apple and Android 58% with 39% .
Microsoft invests Ba Nuo lift, be market of computer of flat of with a view to undoubtedly, it is the Windows 8 position that its are about to issue.
"This gives Microsoft off-the-peg flat computer. " the Albert Greco of books industry expert of Fordham University business school says, "Most new friend mixes Microsoft technology easily the engineer introduces Nook professional work. "Most new friend mixes Microsoft technology easily the engineer introduces Nook professional work..
The basis is newest reached agreement, the mobile phone equipment that Ba Nuo will be Microsoft program drive and computer develop an electron to read applied process, two companies will share the income of electronic book and sale of other content product.
Both sides agrees at the same time, microsoft cancel is right the patent lawsuit of the Nook of book of Ba Nuo electron of system of Android of embarking Gu Ge, expend the edition that wins these patent.
Nook gets consumer reception quite, after face city field of American electron book market was held two years to make an appointment with the portion of the best selling canon ef 15mm 27% in half time, yamaxun and apple are held respectively 60% with 10% .
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