Likewise clever with creative person, what why to pick way disparate?
Article | Li Xiang
" Idea Man "
In most popular selling brooc memory laptop toshiba h pins translated term: " I use Microsoft (small gain) change world "
Author: [Beautiful] Paul · Allan
Publish: Zhejiang people press
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Fix a price: 46 yuan
Publication date: In March 2012
This book narrates Microsoft empire to establish course with father perspective first, also uncover secret at the same time the unbeknown inside story of a plot in poineering process; Narrate of ground of the full and accurate in the book Allan of · of two author Paul and Bill Gates from encounter, photograph cherish arrives the difference, process that part company.
The autobiography that Paul · Allan passes him " Idea Man " launched attack successfully to Bill Gates.
Of course his original idea may is not such. Well-advised practice is, do not go the blame has money of a huge sum, and the tycoon that because be in,devote into charities and gets recognition quite. Probably he just wants to say the experienc the most popular brooch pins e that says his to combine father as Microsoft, and media exaggerated when transmission the reaction that Bill Gates blames to his. What he complained in the autobiography than Er · builds Ci is slashing with astute, in old backward the equity that the public conveyed him to think he is in Microsoft allocates on got how inequitable pay. This also means him to think, although oneself already left before Microsoft appears on the market, but he is qualified share the wealth that to more this company creates.
What Paul · Allan is reason end Bill Gates and him is different. Although they are the close friends of lakefront middle school, it is to blame person and computer to have a fever likewise friendly, when using the computer of school foundation within assiduously together, grow use up almost to use up. But look in Allan, eccentric and eccentric also are different. He and Gates are the child of two estate formerly. His parents is the United States only common in produce estate, and the brownstone member that Home Gates is Xiyatu. When complaining to him when Gates oneself should own the share of more Microsoft, allan realizes, this those who wearing thin and small of deepness spectacles for nearsighted persons, figure is bookish the child that is a typical lawyer: Astute and unusual, in involve a bit on interest issue to also won't feel feel embarrassed.
Now Paul · Allan is in nowadays " Forbes " but the rank on global plute pop chart is inferior to greatly previously, you must expend the name that finds him the point is strong. And although commercial magazine and analyst are complaining the stock value of Microsoft is underestimated badly, its price also did not reach acting 1990 peak again, bill Gates remains the world head that is without controversy rich. Of course, bill Gates had not invested to send the person outside the flight company of the heavenly body; Doing not have sound to weigh his is to rock and roll of star embrace wholesale, build memorial hall for its, open music division, even the strong interest that oneself also had passed rock-and-roll hand, with · of rice gram Er Gugeer cooperates; Did not buy the company of cable television network that does not rely on chart wantonly; Also did not spend money like water the ground goes buying NBA basketball team and team of big allied baseball. north face shirts
Garden trail bifurcate, learn successfully likewise such. A lot of people may envy Paul · Allan this kind " the person that succeed " . Opposite Yubier Gates is as dry as a chip and the life that suffers bad name, the arbitrary and prodigal ability with wide interest of Paul · Allan makes the living. But also somebody is met more the money that praise highly Gates obtains and achievement, think he just wrote the history truly.
The autobiography that you still can see Steve Woci " I am Wo Ci " . Steve Woci and Paul · Allan are same, be fed up with the total energy oneself and interest to be centered on body of a company. Although this company brought them the money of a huge sum, also let them be inside period of time widely known. Steve Qiaobusi is to have deep love for Bob · merely enlighten human relations just, wocike is the fervent sponsor that rock and roll meets. Qiao Busi is driving oneself run quickly without license plate the car strolls in Paluoaotuo, wo Ci is opening helicopter low altitude to fly. Woerte Yisakesen is in " Qiaobusi is passed " say, when malic company appears on the market, qiao Busi deserves to be behaved strong and miserlily to equity of a few old stuff to cent. Experting ground of Wo Ci criterion the others of equity deal out oneself.
There is a kind of person to cry inside very much successful company " associated author " . They have talent, also have eye very much, do not lack adventurous spirit at the same time. Cannot explain otherwise why the seminal period that they can be in a company flings caution to the winds join come in. Of course, they also are not fear of plod, they often can newly established of get over company period the hardest time. When the inchoate history that describes a company, even somebody can think leave this later or not quite those who produce main effect " associated author " , its importance should be head and shoulders above the real leader of the company. But this kind of spirit that is called associated author grows kind of live thing same interest is wide, themselves is adv unimaginably oneself can be in a company spend lifetime. They can think this is a kind of waste of opposite life. Although they are created subsequently the career that the company perhaps starts, did not exceed again or achieve them with " associated author " the height of the company that the identity starts.
Paul · Allan argues in the autobiography say, he thinks its are successful is not simple support lucky. He is very clever, creative also, either " Silicon Valley pirate " in follow that in the one face is innocent great stature figure beside Bill Gates to be able to be generalized. Steve Woci as much such. He is that times the most outstanding software engineer and the famousest extremely one of guests.
So do they distinguish the place of Yubier Gates and Steve Qiaobusi where to? Whether do they want to become Bill Gates and Steve Qiaobusi in that way person? Next whether can be they become, and why were they become? If you go asking Allan or Wo the best selling canon ef 15mm Ci, their answer is they do not want to become latter in that way business tycoon. Allan says, oneself feel life cannot be wasted because of disease in iteration business trip; Wo Ci criterion more be happy to become engineer of a software.
This is one of matters the best selling memory card digital cameras that they did not become real commercial magnate. Their heart lacks longing. Want to become good writer like a person, because his heart has one to plant,be hard the thing of explain in words is in repeatedly blusterous, this sound lets him must be conveyed. This is not a kind of longing that is satisfied at becoming wealthy person merely, among them may jumbly competition state of mind, vanity and indescribable " salvation feels " . Lack this kind of eccentric hormone, let them become Gates and Qiaobusi hard in that way person. Although they are so close associate for a time, look in media and masses they appear and ill-advised.
Their interest also too for extensive. In order to is surpassed inferior the view of · Berlin, they are foxes. And Gates and Qiaobusi are hedgehog. The fox is known a lot of, but hedgehog knows be related only. More important is, trade achievement can have satisfied hedgehog; But let foxes however be indignant: By what I have to systemic heart is thrown such as dry as a chip insipid monetary game. They get changing the pleasure of the world from which rarely. Or what this kind of pleasure thinks without them is frequent in that way with intense. And hedgehog people be intoxicated deeply for it.
This lets them forgo a variety of this interests hard, collect energy inside major while thereby as dry as a chip insipid in commercial world. When we think of Paul · Allan, what think of possibly is for a time the Portland trailblazer with dye-in-the-wood limelight team, perhaps listen go up cruel pole space shuttle project. When thinking of Wo Ci, can remember the musical division the most popular memory card digital cameras that he is fond of for a time and helicopter immediately. Remember when be like En Pake, can remember a variety of his absurd things, outside notting have drugs and girl. But, do you know Bill Gates, Steve Qiaobusi or what does Jackie Welch have do such enthusiasm and need invest the interest of a large number of time?
Accordingly, "Associated author " talent, assiduous with creativity, let them can be participated in start a marvelous company; But their different understanding to life meaning and from this and those who come is not dedicated, be destined won't be will take this company taller place by them. What they act is the drive mover part most popular selling canon ef 15mm of level sex, is not the engine that the company can depend on for a long time.
Here does not have pair of faults, or who is more advanced who is so not honorable part. "Associated author " the choice is a kind of life that deserves follow the lead of likewise. They and Gates of the · that compare Er and Qiao Busi of · of husband of history the base of a fruit such person is same, also be to be in comply with the call of so called heart. But, what see like you, just be the call voice that everybody hears differs. The call that hears than Er · Gates is to do great history go up most domestic software company, lend this change the world; And the call that Paul · Allan hears is to have been to richer life, it is with more time on family, friend and oneself hobby. The call that Qiao Busi hears is to make great product through malic company, change the world with this; The call that Wo Ci hears is you want footloose, be not mixed by money pull earthlily stumble. Only this just.
This also resembles a bit is to discuss literary youth to whether suit to become a company. I had not thought seriously so called " literary youth " on the body, whether existing to be the same as the temperament that commercial balance touchs certainly. This kind of temperament hampers they found successfully with operation a company. But can speak the word below with same dialect: This is the different selection that the sound with different heart brings merely.
The word says, him Allan this biography name of protocol, it is to be in probably to Liu Yi of Si Kesai " concept person " greeting. To a businessman character, this autobiography name some too too literary antrum (medium of course tran the most popular memory laptop toshiba slated term changed its) thoroughly. The autobiographical name of Shu Erci of author of Buck seeing a bit, although this renown name says astral Buck,be from the first great United States fiction " white whale " medium and come, the body of biographical name ability of Danshu Er Ci reveals typical mercantile style: " heart infuse " , " before one direction " , send out among them a full-bodied interior chicken broth and the odour that learn successfully.
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