Sunday, January 15, 2012

Intel AMD suffers flat computer to pound profit to glide

Last week, intel (small gain) , AMD announced 2012 money in succession year money signs up for first quarter, money newspaper shows, the gain circumstance of two companies is not hopeful first quarter, the net gain of Intel is 2.738 billion dollar, than last year the corresponding period glides 13% , annulus comparing glides 19% ; And specified number of net loss is as high as AMD respect 590 million dollar, with the net profit photograph of the 510 million dollar of the corresponding period was compared last year, fall panel height is amounted to 216% .

The personage inside course of study thinks, the profit of two enterprises glides, the to traditional PC market cent with the flat computer that is a delegate by malic IPad is fed and concussion has very big concern. In AMD money newspaper also the most popular brooch pins calm old, because of the fall of table computer and demand of mobile graph chip, the run of section of graphical chip business first quarter closes drop the most popular memory card digital cameras apparent. modern dining chairs

Intel net profit glides compared to the same period 13%mountain t shirts

Last week, the 2012 money that the best selling memory card digital cameras Intel announces year money newspaper shows first quarter, intel battalion closes first quarter for 12.9 billion dollar, rise 100 million dollar compared to the same period, but net profit gli the best selling memory laptop toshiba ded compared to the same period 13% , for 2.738 billion dollar. And net profit is 2.738 billion dollar, than last year the corresponding period glides 13% , annulus comparing glides 19% ; free canon ef 15mm Every accrual 53 cent, under last year the 56 cent of the corresponding period, with on photograph comparing also glides first quarter 17% .

Specific in light of, the expression of Asia-Pacific area not common, its battalion closes for 7.262 billion dollar, grow 23% compared to the same period, only first quarter run controls group of client of PC of Er of Dan Ying spy for 8.451 billion dollar, glide compared to the same period 2% , operation profit amounts to 3.483 billion dollar, glide compared to the same period nearly 2% . Analytic personage points out, of outstanding achievement of group of Intel PC client glide, have particular concern to the concussion of PC market with flat computer. Concerned data shows, the sell like hot cakes of IPad is right already the PC market of 233 billion dollar creates total scale co most popular selling brooch pins ncussion, american PC market already appeared 10 years to come firs most popular selling canon ef 15mm t coast. hans wilhelm

Nevertheless, intel respect predicts 2012 money year battalion of the 2nd quarter closes will grow somewhat, it is 13.6 billion dollar about. In fact, intel is in super- extremely a series of act of our market, be regarded to be as advantageous as flat computer market contending edge tool.

AMD turns compared to the same period deficient, fall panel height is amounted to 216%12 volt adaptor

The circumstance of AMD probably more austere, one of quarterly reports show, battalion of season of the first money receives AMD 1.59 billion dollar, glide compared to the same period 2% , annulus comparing glides 5% , but forehead of net loss caustic is as high as 590 million dollar, with the net profit photograph of the 510 million dollar of the corresponding period was compared last year, fall panel height is amounted to 216% .

Receive gliding consideration to battalion, AMD explanation says, the computational business department of its core families status the battalion first quarter closes is 1.2 billion dollar, with the corresponding period kept balance las memory card digital cameras t year, but the battalion of section of graphical chip business closes is 382 million dollar, drop compared to the same period 7% . According to divulging, because table computer is mixed,graphical chip sales revenue drops basically is of demand of mobile graph chip drop. In addition, a lot of one-time expense that include the expense of the 703 million dollar that as round as the new any crystalline substance that GlobalFoundries signs supply agreement concerns to wait inside, the gain that also gives this quarter brings certain influence. Nevertheless, AMD predicts, battalion of season of the 2nd money closes to grow annulus comparing 3% .

Yu Dongxue of southern daily reporter

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